5 Things to Avoid Before Midterms and Finals

It’s the last week of school for the Fall semester and you’re overwhelmed with all the material you have to cover before the last test of the semester. Below are some tips on what to avoid during this week to help secure a good grade in the class!

1. Procrastination

Procrastination is NEVER your friend! No matter how cool you think it is to wait until the last minute, it won’t pay off. Procrastination will jeopardize your grade and will make you believe that you can take shortcuts in life and hope for the best. Avoid it! Start studying early. Pace yourself each day, which brings us to #2….

2. Don’t Cram

Cramming for an exam is not a good idea. You’re taking a risk! And your education should never be at stake. When people cram, they feel like there is not enough time to get through all the material, which leads to inefficient and ineffective studying methods. And no good can come from a frantic student. In a way, procrastination and cramming are related.

3. Losing Sleep and Skipping Meals

Sleep and food are extremely important for the body and mind, especially during exam week. Stress levels are elevated during this time and this can lead to poor self-care. Depriving the body of rest and nutrients will impair your test-taking abilities. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. This, paired with a well-balanced diet, will get you through the week without feeling like a zombie!

4. Distractions

We live in a world that is run by technology and social media. We are constantly distracted by tweets, status updates, the latest story on snapchat, #wcw/#mcm pictures, and everyone’s favorite – YouTube. But during midterms and finals, students should develop self-discipline and avoid any distractions. Having a quiet and clear environment will help you feel more comfortable and will encourage retention.

5. Calculating Your Grade

It’s the end of the semester and you’re wondering what you have to make to keep that A or bump your grade up from a C to a B – we’ve all been there. Students spend way too much time trying to calculate different scenarios and grades and not enough time studying. There should be no reason for you to be focused on your GPA at this point; the grades in the gradebook are there to stay (unless your teacher is dropping a low grade) and there’s nothing you can do about that. Instead, focus on your game plan for reviewing the material and passing the exam.



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